2024年8月29日 星期四

How to repair and clone disk with ddrescue

 ddrescue is a tool that can be used to repair and clone disks on a Linux system. This includes hard drives, partitions, DVD discs, flash drives, or really any storage device. It performs data recovery by copying data as blocks.

If ddrescue encounters errors from the data it’s trying to copy, it can discard them and keep only the good data. This makes it an ideal tool when trying to recover data from a corrupted disk. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install ddrescue and use it to clone a full disk or partition, and write that data to an empty storage space.

To install ddrescue on UbuntuDebian, and Linux Mint:

$ sudo apt install gddrescue

Clone a partition to image file or other disk

In the section, we will use ddrescue to clone a partition or full disk (the process is the same) to an image file. That file can that be written to another disk or partition afterwards. We will also show the process to clone a partition directly to another disk, bypassing the image file creation and instead creating a direct clone onto new hardware.

  1. First, open a command line terminal and identify the device path to the hard drive or partition that you would line to clone. For this, you can use a tool like lsblkfdisk, etc.
    $ lsblk
    Here we find the device path /dev/sdb1 which is the partition we want to clone
    Here we find the device path /dev/sdb1 which is the partition we want to clone
  2. Note that the -d option will force ddrescue to ignore the kernel’s cache and instead access the disk directly.

    ddrescue process of cloning the partition to an image file
    ddrescue process of cloning the partition to an image file
  3. Note that if you are trying to recover data from a corrupted disk, you may want to append the -r option after the first try above. This will instruct ddrescue to retry bad sectors in an effort to recover as much data as possible. You can specify the number of retries after the option. In this example, we will use 3 retries.
    $ sudo ddrescue -d -r3 /dev/sdX backup.img backup.logfile
  4. Next, we will copy the new image file to a different disk or partition. We can use an ordinary dd command for this.
    $ sudo dd if=backup.img of=/dev/sdX

    Alternatively, the ddrescue command can be used.

    $ sudo ddrescue -f backup.img /dev/sdX clone.logfile

    The -f option indicates that we are sending our output to a block device rather than a file.

  5. If you want to clone a disk or partition directly to another, thereby bypassing any image file, you can do so with the following syntax. In this example, we are cloning partition /dev/sdX1 to /dev/sdX2.
    $ sudo ddrescue -d -f /dev/sdX1 /dev/sdX2 clone.logfile
  6. Next, we will use the following command syntax to copy the partition to an image file. We are using /dev/sdX in the example below, but you would just need to substitute your own partition or device in place of it. The contents will be written to a file called backup.img.
  7. $ sudo ddrescue -d /dev/sdX backup.img backup.logfile

    After completing the steps above, you can access the cloned storage and will hopefully see all of your files there, assuming that ddrescue was successful in recovering them.


From :https://support.huawei.com/enterprise/zh/doc/EDOC1100138438/d1e17776

PFC(Priority-based Flow Control,基于优先级的流量控制)也称为Per Priority Pause或 CBFC(Class Based Flow Control),是对Pause机制的一种增强。当前以太Pause机制(IEEE 802.3 Annex 31B)也能达到无丢包的要求,原理如下:当下游设备发现接收能力小于上游设备的发送能力时,会主动发Pause帧给上游设备,要求暂停流量的发送,等待一定时间后再继续发送数据。但是以太Pause机制的流量暂停是针对整个接口,即在出现拥塞时会将链路上所有的流量都暂停。


图2-1 PFC的工作机制

图2-1所示,DeviceA发送接口分成了8个优先级队列,DeviceB接收接口有8个接收缓存(buffer),两者一一对应(报文优先级和接口队列存在着一一对应的映射关系),形成了网络中 8 个虚拟化通道,缓存大小不同使得各队列有不同的数据缓存能力。

当DeviceB的接口上某个接收缓存产生拥塞时,即某个设备的队列缓存消耗较快,超过一定阈值(可设定为端口队列缓存的 1/2、3/4 等比例),DeviceB即向数据进入的方向(上游设备DeviceA)发送反压信号“STOP”。


图2-2 PFC帧格式
表2-1 PFC帧的定义



Destination address


Source address




Control opcode


Priority enable vector
















  • 基于802.1p优先级的PFC:设备将报文中的802.1p优先级值与端口队列一一对应,即优先级值为0对应0号队列、优先级值为1对应1号队列,以此类推。
  • 基于DSCP优先级的PFC:设备根据配置的DiffServ域将报文中的DSCP优先级映射为内部优先级,内部优先级与端口队列一一对应,具体对应关系参见CloudEngine 12800, 12800E系列交换机 配置指南-QoS》中的“优先级映射配置”。


  • 无损业务:需要无丢包传输的业务。使能了PFC功能的802.1p优先级或由DSCP优先级映射的内部优先级即为无损优先级,该优先级对应的队列即为无损队列。
  • 有损业务:允许丢包传输的业务。未使能PFC功能的802.1p优先级或由DSCP优先级映射的内部优先级即为有损优先级,该优先级对应的队列即为有损队列

2023年6月26日 星期一

How to use simple speedtest in RaspberryPi CLI


pi@ChunchaiRPI2:/tmp $  wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py

--2023-06-26 10:43:47--  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py

Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...

Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 65334 (64K) [text/plain]

Saving to: ‘speedtest-cli’

speedtest-cli                                        100%[=====================================================================================================================>]  63.80K  --.-KB/s    in 0.08s

2023-06-26 10:43:48 (849 KB/s) - ‘speedtest-cli’ saved [65334/65334]

pi@ChunchaiRPI2:/tmp $ sudo chmod +x speedtest-cli

pi@ChunchaiRPI2:/tmp $ ./speedtest-cli --simple

Ping: 7.342 ms

Download: 301.20 Mbit/s

Upload: 251.35 Mbit/s

pi@ChunchaiRPI2:/tmp $

2023年6月20日 星期二

How to decompile dtb file (Device Tree)

dtc -I dtb -O dts -o devicetree.dts devicetree.dtb

$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler

$ dtc -I dtb -O dts test.dtb > test.dts

$ dtc -I dts -O dtb test.dts > test.dtb


reference: https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/2427-how-to-decompile-dtb-file/

Device Tree, reference:

Device Tree(一):背景介绍  http://www.wowotech.net/device_model/why-dt.html

Device Tree(二):基本概念  http://www.wowotech.net/device_model/dt_basic_concept.html

Device Tree(三):代码分析  http://www.wowotech.net/device_model/dt-code-analysis.html

Device Tree(四):文件结构解析 http://www.wowotech.net/device_model/dt-code-file-struct-parse.html

2023年6月1日 星期四

HGU – Supported Service Scenarios

From https://halny.com/knowledge-base/hgu-supported-service-scenarios/

HGU mode allows to flow multiple traffic classes across VEIP.
All UNI interfaces are belonged to one VEIP and it cannot be controlled by OMCI.
This non-OMCI part can be controlled by Web and Auto provisioning.
Most OLT vendors support dual stack:
– IP-HOST #1 -> MGMT (WEB, XML provisioning) – configure by OMCI (from OLT)
– VEIP (non-OMCI : INTERNET, VoIP, IPTV services) – configure by ONT WEB or provisioning

1.Bridge mode – only INTERNET:1-4/WIFI + MGMT

2.Bridge mode – INTERNET:1-4/WIFI, VoIP Interface + MGMT

3.Bridge mode – INTERNET:1-2/WIFI, IPTV:3-4, VoIP Interface + MGMT

4.Router mode – only INTERNET:1-4/WIFI + MGMT

5.Router mode – INTERNET:1-4/WIFI, VoIP Interface + MGMT

6.Router mode – INTERNET:1-2/WIFI, IPTV:3-4, VoIP + MGMT

SFU – Supported Service Scenarios

From: https://halny.com/knowledge-base/sfu-supported-service-scenarios/

1.Access mode – only Internet

2.Access mode – only IPTV

3.Transparent mode – Internet, IPTV, VoIP

4.VLAN translation – rBSA

5.802.1q in 802.1q Begin/End of Tunnel

6.Transparent 802.1q in 802.1q




MAC橋是IEEE 802.1D描述的,有許多的特性,可以基於MAC地址透明轉發(True bridging)或VLAN characteristics(利用VLAN filter)。而映射功能描述了一個用戶側實體到1到8個網絡側流標記的關係。那種映射與只利用VLAN標記中pbit字段作為VLAN filters的MAC橋是相等的。


N:1 bridging多個用戶端口在同一個橋中,而只有一個網絡服務

1:M mapping基於pbit來將一個用戶端口映射成多個網絡側服務

1:P filtering  基於非pbit的VLAN信息來將單一的用戶端口映射成多個網絡側服務


N:M bridging mapping顧名思義,N個用戶端口在一個橋中先橋轉發然後再進行基於pbit的映射。

1:MP map-filtering 一個用戶端口做filtering以及mapping

N:P bridging-filtering N個用戶端口在一個橋中先橋轉發然後再進行基於非pbit的VLAN信息的映射

N:MP bridging-map-filtering顯而易見。

系統性地,tag filtering發生在接近MAC橋而不是tagging操作的部位。如下順序:

ANI—Tag operation—Tag filtering—Bridging—Tag filtering—Tag operation—UNI

許多公司實現了非802.1p模型而採用最簡單的bridging模型,而最簡單一種是每個用戶端在一個Bridge中。1:P模型被採用。如果是多端口的CPE設備(一般由Interworking模塊,如Broadlight chip與交換Switch模塊,如Broadcom switch組成),那塊switch chip每個用戶口有個port VLAN(每個端口不一樣),為了區隔彼此。對於Untag流需要映射pbit的話可以採用管理對象(ID:171 Extended VLAN Tagging operation configuration data)屬性來達到要求。


參考:G.984.4 Section 8.2.2

How to repair and clone disk with ddrescue

  ddrescue  is a tool that can be used to repair and clone disks on a  Linux system . This includes hard drives, partitions, DVD discs, flas...