minicom is another popular serial communication program. Unfortunately, many users have reported problems using it with U-Boot and Linux, especially when trying to use it for serial image download. It's use is therefore discouraged.
* 下載 cku211.tar.gz
* 解壓縮後 編譯: make linux;make install
* 編譯完成後執行 : kermit
* Kermit的配置範例(可設定於~/.kermrc):
set line /dev/ttyS0
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set handshake none
set flow-control none
set file type bin
set file name lit
set rec pack 1000
set send pack 1000
set window 5
* 連上板子 : connect or c
* 切換 : 按下Ctrl + \ , 再按C 可以跳回kermit; 若欲跳回console可以再輸入c or connect。
* uboot上輸入 : eraseall b
* 傳送檔案 : send /path/filename
*使用minicom -s,到"檔案傳輸協定"或"File Transfer protocols"裡的G和H,
G設定為/usr/local/bin/kermit -i -l %f -b %b -s Y U Y N N,
H設定為/usr/local/bin/kermit -i -l %f -b %b -r N D Y N N。
* 開始傳檔
執行Ctrl+A -> S,接著選完檔案後即可開始傳送檔案了