2010年4月5日 星期一
常用的ubuntu 熱鍵
Ctrl + N | New | 開新檔案 |
Ctrl + O | Open | 開啟舊檔 |
Ctrl + A | Select all | 全選 |
Ctrl + X | Cut | 剪下 |
Ctrl + C | Copy | 複製 |
Ctrl + V | Paste | 貼上 |
Ctrl + Z | Undo | 重來、上一步 |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | 復原(與上一 步相反功能) |
Ctrl + S | Save | 儲存 |
Ctrl + W | Close | 關閉檔案 |
Ctrl + Q | Quit | 離開程式 |
Alt + Tab | 切換視窗 | |
Alt + Shift+Tab | 反向切換視窗 | |
Alt + Space | 視窗控制選單 (與在視窗標題列案滑鼠右鍵同功能) | |
Alt + Print Screen | 擷取目前視窗畫面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + d | 全部視窗最小化 | |
alt + 滑鼠左鍵 | 可以移動視窗 | |
alt + 滑鼠中鍵 | 可以resize視窗 |
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + up arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + down arrow | 切換桌面 |
Ctrl + Alt + F1 = 跳到文字模式1(virtual terminals)
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = 跳到文字模式2~6
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = 回到桌面
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = 跳到文字模式2~6
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = 回到桌面
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace 跳出桌面,進入登入畫面
How to Reset Ubuntu/Gnome Settings to Defaults without Re-installing
Keep in mind that this will only reset your Gnome-specific settings. If you are having problems with your video card, display, x-server, etc., this WILL NOT fix your problems.
If you don’t have access to your graphical (GUI) desktop to delete these folders in Nautilus or you’re stuck at the login screen, drop to a terminal by hitting CTRL + ALT + F1, login to your account, and run this command:
Get back to your GUI desktop by hitting CTRL + ALT + F7.
If you don’t have access to your graphical (GUI) desktop to delete these folders in Nautilus or you’re stuck at the login screen, drop to a terminal by hitting CTRL + ALT + F1, login to your account, and run this command:
rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity
Get back to your GUI desktop by hitting CTRL + ALT + F7.
利用電話透過Asterisk 開家裡電鎖
利用電話撥到家中電話透過Asterisk,若CallerID 符合自己設定的Call Filter List時,則由Analog Port 3接電鎖中繼器送出"#"給中繼器後,將啟動電鎖開關,來開啟大門,經測試以此方式門口機不會咬線.
fullname = unlock
exten = s,1,Goto(CallFilter-${CDR(src)}|1)
exten = CallFilter-0912000000,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-5|s|1)
exten = CallFilter-0912000001,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-5|s|1)
exten = i,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-6|s|1)
comment = unlock
exten = s,1,dial(zap/3/ww#,60,G(hangdoorphone,hangupcall,1))
exten = hangupcall,1,wait(30)
exten = hangupcall,n,hangup
fullname = unlock
exten = s,1,Goto(CallFilter-${CDR(src)}|1)
exten = CallFilter-0912000000,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-5|s|1)
exten = CallFilter-0912000001,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-5|s|1)
exten = i,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-6|s|1)
comment = unlock
exten = s,1,dial(zap/3/ww#,60,G(hangdoorphone,hangupcall,1))
exten = hangupcall,1,wait(30)
exten = hangupcall,n,hangup
不錯的 10個 Ubuntu 佈景主題
1 – Add the key for the repository
Open a terminal and do:gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 --recv-key 881574DE && gpg -a --export 881574DE | sudo apt-key add - |
2 – Add the repository
Add those lines at the end of your sources.list (always in a terminal): sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
for Ubuntu 9.10
## Themes
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bisigi/ppa/ubuntu karmic main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bisigi/ppa/ubuntu karmic main
3 - Install Themes
Update your software sources: (In a terminaln do): sudo aptitude update
Then install themes: (this command install all themes. If you want to install only one theme, go look here)sudo aptitude install bisigi-themes
or click on apt://bisigi-themes
AquaDreams: sudo aptitude install aquadreams-theme
Ubuntu Sunrise: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-sunrise-theme
Bamboo-Zen: sudo aptitude install bamboo-zen-theme
Step into Freedom: sudo aptitude install step-into-freedom-theme
Tropical: sudo aptitude install tropical-theme
Exotic: sudo aptitude install exotic-theme
Balanzan: sudo aptitude install balanzan-theme
Wild Shine: sudo aptitude install wild-shine-theme
Infinity: sudo aptitude install infinity-theme
Showtime: sudo aptitude install showtime-theme
Orange: sudo aptitude install orange-theme
Ellanna: sudo aptitude install ellanna-theme
AirLines: sudo aptitude install airlines-theme
彩色化 man command
vim ~/.bashrc
# colorful man page
export PAGER="`which less` -s"
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[0;34m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[0;34m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[0;44;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[0;33m'
文章 (Atom)
How to repair and clone disk with ddrescue
ddrescue is a tool that can be used to repair and clone disks on a Linux system . This includes hard drives, partitions, DVD discs, flas...

from: https://www.wpgdadatong.com/tw/blog/detail?BID=B0594 一. PHY包含的各個子層 : PCS:編碼和解碼 PMA:串行器和反序列化器 PMD:取決於物理介質 Firgure 1: OSI模型裡示意...
From: http://blog.chinaaet.com/justlxy/p/5100064818 SMI:串行管理接口(Serial Management Interface),通常直接被稱為MDIO接口(Management Data Input/Output I...
在 前面我們所談的那些可以說是比較基本的東西,但是對於一份文件來說,光有前面所介紹的游標移動、刪除等等功能是不足夠的。面對一份文件我們通常會因為某些 緣故而使得我們必須去修改當中固定出現的字串樣式(pattern)成我們想要的樣子。最常遇到的就像中文文件的標點符號問題,或是 un...