jperf 是有圖形 GUI 介面的 iperf,不過他是架構在 iperf 必須先安裝過 iperf 才可以使用.下載點在 方式也很簡單,先行安裝完 iperf . 再解開 jperf 即可執行
2011年2月10日 星期四
How to copy svn working dir without svn hidden dirs and files
rysnc is a very powerful alternative to cp. It provides basic things like you want here, progress meters, copying to remote sites, a diff algorithm to efficiently maintain mirrors, compression, etc.
I think you want something like this:
I think you want something like this:
rsync -r --exclude=.svn /home/user/progname/ /home/user/progname.copy
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