解磚步驟其實很簡單 只要把外殼打開,可看到下面的圖
在NAND Flash 旁的紅色圈圈內,把兩個接點暫時短路,然後接上USB.即可切換到flash mode.
之後再透過Flash tool直接去重刷image即可
The method below may break your UG802's case and or destroy your device. Use at your own risk. We are not responsible if you hurt yourself or your device.
Tossible to recover from a boot loop by opening your UG802 and shorting 2 pads located near the NAND chip.
If rooted make sure that you uninstall the UG802 adb drivers.
Make sure that your UG802 is unplugged.
1)Download Rockchip Batch Tools v1.5 and extract. Also download and extract the firmware you wish to put on your device.
2) Open your UG802 with a case opening tool or guitar pick. Be careful not to break your clips.
3) Locate your NAND chip and the 2 pads next to it. See pic above.
4)Short the pads while plugging the UG802 into your computer. Windows will detect a new device.
5) Widows will search for drivers and probably won't find any. You may have to open control panel --> device manager, right click on unknown device, and choose update driver. Install the windows drivers located in the Rockchip Batch Tool folder. If successful you will see a new device listed as RK30sdk.
6)Start Rockchip Batch Tool v1.5 . Select your firmware "update.img" and choose "Restore". You could also choose Update which would format data and user.
7)When complete the status window will reflect Restore Done Success<1> Fail<0> This means that it finished properly.his method is a work in progress. We are hoping the manufacturer will provide us with a better option