2016年12月7日 星期三
2016年8月29日 星期一
2016年7月8日 星期五
TC流量控制 ingress
From http://dp2u.com/2014/tc-control.html
Linux操作系統中的流量控制器TC(Traffic Control)用於Linux內核的流量控制,它利用隊列規定建立處理數據包的隊列,並定義隊列中的數據包被發送的方式,從而實現對流量的控制。
無類隊列規定是對進入網絡設備(網卡)的數據流不加區分統一對待的隊列規定。使用無類隊列規定形成的隊列能夠接受數據包以及重新編排、延遲或丟棄數據包。這類隊列規定形成的隊列可以對整個網絡設備( 網卡)的流量進行整形,但不能細分各種情況。常用的無類隊列規定主要有pfifo _fast (先進現出)、TBF(令牌桶過濾器)、SFQ(隨機公平隊列)、ID (前向隨機丟包)等等。這類隊列規定使用的流量整形手段主要是排序、限速和丟包。
一 内核处理流程示意图
| Y |
| -------> IP 协议栈 |
| | | |
| | Y |
| | Y |
| ^ | |
| | / ------> 转发--------> |
| ^ / | |
| |/ Y |
| | | |
| 多路分配器 Y /-队列规定 1-\ |
| | Egress /--队列规定 2--\ |
In--->->Ingress 分类器-----队列规定 3------|-->Out
| 队列规定 \__队列规定 4__/ |
| \-队列规定 N_/ |
| |
接收包從輸入接口(Input Interface)進來後,經過流量限制(Ingress Policing)丟棄不符合規定的數據包,由輸入多路分配器(Input De-Multiplexing)進行判斷選擇:如果接收包的目的是本主機,那麼將該包送給上層處理;否則需要進行轉發,將接收包交到轉發塊(Forwarding Block)處理。轉發塊同時也接收本主機上層(TCP、UDP等)產生的包。轉發塊通過查看路由表,決定所處理包的下一跳。然後對包按照定義的隊列規定進行排列以便將它們傳送到輸出接口(Output Interface)。Linux流量控制主要是在輸出接口排列時進行處理和實現的。
| Y |
| -------> IP 协议栈 |
| | | |
| | Y |
| | Y |
| ^ | |
| | / ------> 转发--------> |
| ^ / | |
| |/ Y |
| | | |
| 多路分配器 Y /-队列规定 1-\ |
| | Egress /--队列规定 2--\ |
In--->->Ingress 分类器-----队列规定 3------|-->Out
| 队列规定 \__队列规定 4__/ |
| \-队列规定 N_/ |
| |
SHAPING(限制) 當流量被限制,它的傳輸速率就被控制在某個值以下。限制值可以大大小於有效帶寬,這樣可以平滑突發數據流量,使網絡更為穩定。shaping(限制)只適用於向外的流量。
SCHEDULING(調度) 通過調度數據包的傳輸,可以在帶寬範圍內,按照優先級分配帶寬。SCHEDULING(調度)也只適於向外的流量。
POLICING(策略) SHAPING用於處理向外的流量,而POLICIING(策略)用於處理接收到的數據。
DROPPING(丟棄) 如果流量超過某個設定的帶寬,就丟棄數據包,不管是向內還是向外。
Qdisc(排隊規則)是queueing discipline的簡寫,它是理解流量控制(traffic control)的基礎。無論何時,內核如果需要通過某個網絡接口發送數據包,它都需要按照為這個接口配置的qdisc(排隊規則)把數據包加入隊列。然後,內核會盡可能多地從qdisc裡面取出數據包,把它們交給網絡適配器驅動模塊。
TC的大多數隊列規定(qdisc)都是用於輸出方向的,輸入方向只有一個隊列規定,即Ingress qdisc。因此一般主要是限製網卡發送的數據包,而不是限製網卡接收的數據包。可以通過定義的若干個隊列規定來改變數據包的發送次序,實現傳輸速率的控制。
而Ingress qdisc本身的功能很有限,只能通過Filter過濾出需要處理的數據包Drop掉。通過Ingress qdisc可以把輸入方向的數據包重定向到一個虛擬設備ifb,然後在ifb的輸出方向可以配置多種qdisc,就可以達到對輸入方向的流量做隊列調度的目的。
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1 : htb default 20
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1 : classid 1 : 1 htb rate 800kbit ceil 800kbit burst 80k
tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1 : prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip src 1.1 . 1.1 / 32 match ip sport 80 0xffff flowid 1 : 1
rate rate allocated to this class ( class can still borrow ) 是一個類保證得到的帶寬值,如果有不只一個類,請保證所有子類總和是小於或等於父類
burst max bytes burst which can be accumulated during idle period 突發流量
ceil definite upper class rate ( no borrows ) 是一個類最大能得到帶寬值
prio priority of leaf ; lower are served first 是優先權的設置,數值越大,優先權越小,如果是分配剩餘帶寬,就是數值小的會最優先取得剩餘的空閒的帶寬權
[ root@test ~] # tc qdisc ls dev eth0 ##列出當前的隊列規定
qdisc htb 1 : r2q 10 default 20 direct_packets_stat 611
[ root@test ~] # tc class ls dev eth0 ##列出當前的分類
class htb 1 : 1 root prio 0 rate 800000bit ceil 800000bit burst 80Kb cburst 2000b
[ root@test ~] # tc filter ls dev eth0 ##列出當前的過濾器
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 : ht divisor 1
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 :: 800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1 : 1
match 0a795f40 / ffffffff at 12
match 00500000 / ffff0000 at 20
[ root@test ~] # tc -s -d qdisc show dev eth0 ##顯示當前隊列的詳細狀態數據
qdisc htb 1 : r2q 10 default 20 direct_packets_stat 5356 ver 3.17
Sent 415693 bytes 5356 pkt ( dropped 0 , overlimits 0 requeues 0 )
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
[ root@test ~] # tc -s -d filter show dev eth0 ##顯示當前過濾器的詳細狀態數據
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 : ht divisor 1
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 :: 800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1 : 1 ( rule hit 6626 success 0 )
match 0a795f40 / ffffffff at 12 ( success 6626 )
match 00500000 / ffff0000 at 20 ( success 0 )
[ root@test ~] # tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
[ root@test ~] # tc qdisc help
Usage : tc qdisc [ add | del | replace | change | get ] dev STRING
[ handle QHANDLE ] [ root | ingress | parent CLASSID ]
[ [ QDISC_KIND ] [ help | OPTIONS ] ]
tc qdisc show [ dev STRING ] [ ingress ]
u32 match ip src 1.1 . 1.1 / 32 match ip sport 80 0xffff
match 01010101/ffffffff at 12
0a795f40轉換為10進制就是上面的IP,ffffffff是掩碼,at 12代表從數據包的ip頭的12字節開始匹配,從IP頭結構可知第13字節開始是IP源地址match 00500000/ffff0000 at 20
match ip src 0.0 . 0.0 / 0
match ip dst 1.2 . 3.0 / 24
match ip sport 80 0xffff
match ip dport 80 0xffff
match ip protocol ( udp tcp icmp gre ipsec )
比如icmp 協議是1 match ip protocol 1 0xff
因為上傳對於服務器來說,是入站流量,因此只能通過Ingress qdisc來處理,但Ingress qdisc本身功能很弱,所以我們這裡使用虛擬設備ifb來處理入站數據
因為上傳對於服務器來說,是入站流量,因此只能通過Ingress qdisc來處理,但Ingress qdisc本身功能很弱,所以我們這裡使用虛擬設備ifb來處理入站數據
[ root@test ~] # modprobe ifb
[ root@test ~] # ip link set dev ifb0 up
[ root@test ~] # tc qdisc add dev eth0 ingress
[ root@test ~] # tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u32 0 0 flowid 1:1 action mirred egress redirect dev ifb0
[ root@test ~] # tc qdisc add dev ifb0 root handle 1: htb default 1
[ root@test ~] # tc class add dev ifb0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 800kbit ceil 800kbit burst 80k
[ root@test ~] # tc filter add dev ifb0 parent 1: prio 1 protocol ip u32 match ip dst match ip dport 80 0xffff flowid 1:1
[ root@test ~] # tc -s -d filter show dev ifb0
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 : ht divisor 1
filter parent 1 : protocol ip pref 1 u32 fh 800 :: 800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1 : 1 ( rule hit 98978 success 7718 )
match 01010101 / ffffffff at 16 ( success 94889 )
match 00000050 / 0000ffff at 20 ( success 7718 )
[ root@test ~] # tc -s -d class show dev ifb0
class htb 1 : 1 root prio 0 quantum 10000 rate 800000bit ceil 800000bit burst 80Kb / 8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 2000b / 8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 0
Sent 20401293 bytes 99941 pkt ( dropped 1068 , overlimits 0 requeues 0 )
rate 22928bit 39pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
lended : 99941 borrowed : 0 giants : 0
tokens : 818160 ctokens : 18960
[ root@test ~] # tc -s -d qdisc show dev ifb0
qdisc htb 1 : r2q 10 default 1 direct_packets_stat 116 ver 3.17
Sent 20523886 bytes 101601 pkt ( dropped 1068 , overlimits 22466 requeues 0 )
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
2016年6月15日 星期三
2016年6月13日 星期一
vlanctl command for Broadcom
Set vlan operations interface suffix, if not set ,the default value is "."
vlanctl --if-suffix
change real interface name mode,if not set , default mode is RG.
vlanctl --if <--set-if-mode-rg>|<--set-if-mode-ont>
create vlan operations interface eg. vlanctl --if-create eth0 0 => generate eth0.0 with eth0
vlanctl --if-create [--routed] [--mcast]
create vlan operations interface and specify name
vlanctl --if-create-name [--routed] [--mcast]
delete vlan operations interface with name
vlanctl --if-delete
-- NOTIFY start-----------------------------
when create a vlan interface,it will create 10 tables about this vlan interface automatically.
interface -- -- < 0 tag | 1 tag | 2 tags | 3 tags | 4 tags >
A tagging rule table determined by and
when a table is created,the default values are set to: TPID(0x8100), pbits(0),vid(1),cfi(0)
and DSCP-TO-PBITS table are set by copying the lowest 3 bits of each DSCP value as the pbits value,
eg. DSCP=5 PBITS=5, DSCP=15 PBITS=7.
-- NOTIFY end-------------------------------
change default actions of a vlan tag rules table,
vlanctl --if --tags
[--default-tpid] [--default-pbits ] [--default-vid ] [--default-cfi ]
change DSCP to Pbits translation
vlanctl --if [--cfg-dscp2pbits ]
change Tpid table
vlanctl --if --cfg-tpid
display a rule table. eg. vlanctl --if eth0 --rx --tags 0 --show-table
vlanctl --if --tags --show-table
dispaly DSCP to Pbits table
vlanctl --if --show-dscp2pbits
display TPID table
vlanctl --if --show-tpid
display device local stats
vlanctl --local-stats|
vlanctl --run-test
delete all tag rules
vlanctl --rule-remove-all
delete a tag rule
vlanctl --if --tags --rule-remove
Add a tag rule
vlanctl --if --tags [filters] [commads]
--filter-skb-prio match the SKB priority
--filter-skb-mark-flowid match the Flow ID subfiled of SKB Mark filed.
--filter-skb-mark-port match the port subfiled of SKB Mark filed.
--filter-ethertype match the Ethertype filed in the Ethernet Header of incoming frames
--filter-ipproto match the IP protocol type of incoming frames
--filter-dscp match the DSCP value in the IPv4 Header of incoming frames
--filter-dscp2pbits match the DSCP traslate from pbits which in the VLAN Header by dscp2pbits table
--filter-vlan-dev-mac-addr 0: match all recive frames dest MAC addr against the recive virtual interface
1: match unicast recive frames dest MAC addr against the recive virtual interface
--filter-pbits match the PBITS value of VLAN Header number of incoming frames
--filter-cfi match the CFI value of VLAN Header number of incoming frames
--filter-vid match the VID value of VLAN Header number of incoming frames
--filter-tag-ethertype match the Ethertype value of VLAN Header number of incoming frames
--filter-txif match the transmitting vlan interface
--pop-tag remove the outermost VLAN tag.
--push-tag add default VLAN tag of the corresponding Tagging rule Table as the new outer tag.
--drop-frame drop the frame
--continue pass the frame
--set-rxif forward frames in the RECEIVE direction that match this rule to the VOPI specified in vlan interface name
--dscp2pbits translate the IPv4 DSCP into a PBITS ,and write the translated PBITS value in the VLAN Header which number is index
--set-dscp set the DSCP value in the IPv4 Header
--set-skb-prio set the SKB priority
--set-skb-mark-port set the port subfiled of SKB Mark filed.
--set-skb-mark-queue set the queue subfiled of SKB Mark filed.
--set-skb-mark-flowid set the Flow ID subfiled of SKB Mark filed
--set-ethertype set the ethertype value of the Ethernet Header
--set-pbits set the PBITS value of the VLAN header number
--set-cfi set the CFI bit of the VLAN header number to
--set-vid set the VID of the VLAN header number to
--set-tag-ethertype set the ethertype of the VLAN header number to
--copy-pbits copy the PBITS value from VLAN header number to VLAN header number
--copy-cfi copy the CFI value from VLAN header number to VLAN header number
--copy-vid copy the VID value from VLAN header number to VLAN header number
copy the Ethernet type value from VLAN header number to VLAN header number
position: <--rule-append> | <--rule-insert-before rule-id=""> |<--rule-insert-after rule-id="">
--rule-append insert as a last rule
--rule-insert-before insert before the role whose id is matches the rule-id in the table
--rule-insert-after insert after the role whose id is matches the rule-id in the table
vlanctl --if-suffix
change real interface name mode,if not set , default mode is RG.
vlanctl --if
create vlan operations interface eg. vlanctl --if-create eth0 0 => generate eth0.0 with eth0
vlanctl --if-create
create vlan operations interface and specify name
vlanctl --if-create-name
delete vlan operations interface with name
vlanctl --if-delete
-- NOTIFY start-----------------------------
when create a vlan interface,it will create 10 tables about this vlan interface automatically.
interface --
A tagging rule table determined by
when a table is created,the default values are set to: TPID(0x8100), pbits(0),vid(1),cfi(0)
and DSCP-TO-PBITS table are set by copying the lowest 3 bits of each DSCP value as the pbits value,
eg. DSCP=5 PBITS=5, DSCP=15 PBITS=7.
-- NOTIFY end-------------------------------
change default actions of a vlan tag rules table,
vlanctl --if
change DSCP to Pbits translation
vlanctl --if
change Tpid table
vlanctl --if
display a rule table. eg. vlanctl --if eth0 --rx --tags 0 --show-table
vlanctl --if
dispaly DSCP to Pbits table
vlanctl --if
display TPID table
vlanctl --if
display device local stats
vlanctl --local-stats
vlanctl --run-test
delete all tag rules
vlanctl --rule-remove-all
delete a tag rule
vlanctl --if
Add a tag rule
vlanctl --if
1: match unicast recive frames dest MAC addr against the recive virtual interface
--pop-tag remove the outermost VLAN tag.
--push-tag add default VLAN tag of the corresponding Tagging rule Table as the new outer tag.
--drop-frame drop the frame
--continue pass the frame
copy the Ethernet type value from VLAN header number
position: <--rule-append> | <--rule-insert-before rule-id=""> |<--rule-insert-after rule-id="">
--rule-append insert as a last rule
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