本來是以為MSN程式毀損所導致,後來重新安裝MSN狀況依舊,詳細一查原來造成故障的原因是變種Kavo病毒 (jwedsfdo0.dll),他會在Windows/system32 資料夾底下創建一個無法刪除的 jwedsfdo0.dll造成 msn9 的子程式 wlcomm.exe crash掉.
2010年4月24日 星期六
2010年4月23日 星期五
Wake On Lan tools for Brazilfw 2.x
#ether-wake -h
BusyBox v1.15.2 (2009-11-24 23:32:49 BRST) multi-call binary Usage:
ether-wake [-b] [-i iface] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] MAC
Send a magic packet to wake up sleeping machines. MAC must be a station address (00:11:22:33:44:55) or a hostname with a known 'ethers' entry. Options:
-b Send wake-up packet to the broadcast address
-i iface Interface to use (default eth0)
-p pass Append four or six byte password PW to the packet
BusyBox v1.15.2 (2009-11-24 23:32:49 BRST) multi-call binary Usage:
ether-wake [-b] [-i iface] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] MAC
Send a magic packet to wake up sleeping machines. MAC must be a station address (00:11:22:33:44:55) or a hostname with a known 'ethers' entry. Options:
-b Send wake-up packet to the broadcast address
-i iface Interface to use (default eth0)
-p pass Append four or six byte password PW to the packet
WAN使用eth0 , LAN使用eth1
經測試於brazilfw 主機下
ether-wake -i eth1 AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
MAC為AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF之主機可成功被wake up
2010年4月22日 星期四
How to 清除列印佇列 spool in Windows XP
如果您上一次列印時,要列印的文件因故沒有全部列印出來,HP 多功能事務機的「列印工作佇列」會將尚未列印完成的文件保留下來,當您下次使用多功能事務機列印時,因為上一次的文件還保留在佇列中,因此您這次要列印的文件會卡住 (也就是說,在佇列中會排在上次文件的後面),導致無法順利列印。建議嘗試下列解決方案:
Android running on iPhone
Pre-built images and sources at http://www.mediafire.com/?xqjzn12igfn. Read the README. For generic openiboot instructions, there's plenty now that you can search for.
Linkl from http://linuxoniphone.blogspot.com/
n2n - P2P VPN
n2n - 這是一個開源的 P2P VPN 套件,由知名也是開源的網管軟體-ntop 的作者所開發,軟體特色有:
一般較常被使用的 VPN 類型有 IPSec、PPTP、SSLVPN,這些通常應用在 PC to Site 或 Site to Site 的連線模式,然而還有另一種類型被稱為 P2P VPN - 點對點 VPN,顧名思義,這是一種點對點建立VPN 的方式,這樣的方式應用在 IP PBX的跨網連線是最適合不過的,比較典型的工具目前有 Hamachi 及 n2n。由於 Hamachi 並非是開源軟體,而且建立連線的過程還需仰賴官方的主機作認證及介接,所以我們選擇另一個 n2n 軟體作為 IP PBX 跨網的 VPN 連線方案。
n2n 網路架構示意圖
n2n 網路運作示意圖
台灣 Elastix A ---> Firewall <-------------- n2n VPN network --------------> Firewall ---> 美國 mElastix B
由於 n2n 屬於 P2P VPN 類型,這個與其他的 VPN類型最大不同就是,沒有 Server-Client 架構,所有 VPN 網路上的 node 都是 Client,雖然每一個 Client 之間需要有共同的 supernode 才能在網路上互相溝通,但任一個 Client 都可兼具 supernode 的角色,所以在以下的軟體安裝說明,不會區分 Server-Client,而是區分所執行的作業系統。
P.S 因為 Windows 版的 n2n 預設是不包含 supernode 功能,如果需要這,請向原作者ntop購買。
安裝 RPM 完後,還需複製本站所製作的服務啟動檔,作法請參考下方 設 定自動啟動 章節。
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p <--
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::6c45:beff:fe68:f3aa/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:88 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:87 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:8676 (8.4 KiB) TX bytes:9994 (9.7 KiB)
#>killall edge
n2n_DHCP 是否啟用 DHCP 連線,如果啟用,IP 位址將由其他的 DHCP 主機自動分配(請先確定n2n網路上有 DHCP 機制)。
n2n_IP 設定連線後的 VPN IP,在同一個 community name ,各節點的 IP 位址不可重複。
n2n_cname 網路名稱(community name),同一個網路名稱的不同節點可互通。
n2n_pass 網路密碼,網路名稱的連線密碼。
SNODE_Host Supernode 主機位址,格式為 IP:Port。
SNODE 開啟 Supernode 模式,預設是關閉。
SNODE_PORT 啟用 Supermode 時所用的通訊埠號。
*各節點必須連接同一個 Supernode 主機且網路名稱相同才可以互連。
*有一個公用 Supernode 主機可用,位址是。
*如果有安全性考量,也可以使用自己的主機作為 Supernode,只要修改啟動檔參數 SNODE=on,且 Supernode 主機若位於防火牆內,必須開通 SNODE_PORT 所設定的通訊埠。
*注意* 如果使用 RPM 方式安裝,啟動檔的參數請改成:
#>service n2nvpnd start
#>service n2nvpnd stop
// 如果還沒安裝 DHCP 套件,請執行
#>yum install dhcp
// 設定 DHCP
#>vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
#>vi /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
IP Address/Port: 輸入 supernode IP 位址及通訊埠。
Assigned IP: 如果是浮動 IP,請輸入。
Group name: 請輸入n2n網路名稱,這與 Linux 連線的 community name 相同。
Password: 請輸入連線密碼
Advanced: 勾選 Enable packet forwarding through n2n community

- 開放原始碼的套件
- 建立連線時毋需通過第三方的主機認證
- 可獨立運作,無須仰賴官方主機的介接, 安全性高。
- 可適用 NAT 防火牆環境。
- 可建立多個n2n網路組。
- 容易安裝及使用。
- 如果使用公用的 supernode,則所有的node 都不需要佔用到 public IP。
- 不需要建立 central server,各 node 之間即可以作連線。
一般較常被使用的 VPN 類型有 IPSec、PPTP、SSLVPN,這些通常應用在 PC to Site 或 Site to Site 的連線模式,然而還有另一種類型被稱為 P2P VPN - 點對點 VPN,顧名思義,這是一種點對點建立VPN 的方式,這樣的方式應用在 IP PBX的跨網連線是最適合不過的,比較典型的工具目前有 Hamachi 及 n2n。由於 Hamachi 並非是開源軟體,而且建立連線的過程還需仰賴官方的主機作認證及介接,所以我們選擇另一個 n2n 軟體作為 IP PBX 跨網的 VPN 連線方案。
n2n 網路架構示意圖
Getting Start
假設案例:台灣 Elastix A與美國 Elastix B 需以 VPN 互連,且兩主機都在 NAT 防火牆內。台灣 Elastix A ---> Firewall <-------------- n2n VPN network --------------> Firewall ---> 美國 mElastix B
由於 n2n 屬於 P2P VPN 類型,這個與其他的 VPN類型最大不同就是,沒有 Server-Client 架構,所有 VPN 網路上的 node 都是 Client,雖然每一個 Client 之間需要有共同的 supernode 才能在網路上互相溝通,但任一個 Client 都可兼具 supernode 的角色,所以在以下的軟體安裝說明,不會區分 Server-Client,而是區分所執行的作業系統。
P.S 因為 Windows 版的 n2n 預設是不包含 supernode 功能,如果需要這,請向原作者ntop購買。
n2n 軟體安裝
如果使用 CentOS 5.2(Elastix) 作業系統,可下載筆者打包的 RPM 安裝檔-n2n-1.3-1.el5.i386.rpm,然後在系統上 執行 rpm -ivh n2n-1.3-1.el5.i386.rpm 即可。安裝 RPM 完後,還需複製本站所製作的服務啟動檔,作法請參考下方 設 定自動啟動 章節。
#>yum install subversion gcc #>cd /usr/src #>svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/n2n- Fingerprint: 24:bf:8f:03:c1:f0:fe:72:3f:d2:d0:dd:9a:c9:d0:1b:7b:ab:56:34
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p <--
#>cd n2n #>make #>make PREFIX=/opt/n2n install
#>/opt/n2n/sbin/edge -d n2n0 -a -c mypbxnet -k mypass -l & #>ifconfig n2n0n2n0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 6E:45:BE:68:F3:AA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::6c45:beff:fe68:f3aa/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:88 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:87 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:8676 (8.4 KiB) TX bytes:9994 (9.7 KiB)
#>killall edge
下載 A.Lang 寫的系統啟動檔-n2nvpnd,使用前,請先調整主要參數符合自己需要,參數說明如 下:n2n_DHCP 是否啟用 DHCP 連線,如果啟用,IP 位址將由其他的 DHCP 主機自動分配(請先確定n2n網路上有 DHCP 機制)。
n2n_IP 設定連線後的 VPN IP,在同一個 community name ,各節點的 IP 位址不可重複。
n2n_cname 網路名稱(community name),同一個網路名稱的不同節點可互通。
n2n_pass 網路密碼,網路名稱的連線密碼。
SNODE_Host Supernode 主機位址,格式為 IP:Port。
SNODE 開啟 Supernode 模式,預設是關閉。
SNODE_PORT 啟用 Supermode 時所用的通訊埠號。
*各節點必須連接同一個 Supernode 主機且網路名稱相同才可以互連。
*有一個公用 Supernode 主機可用,位址是。
*如果有安全性考量,也可以使用自己的主機作為 Supernode,只要修改啟動檔參數 SNODE=on,且 Supernode 主機若位於防火牆內,必須開通 SNODE_PORT 所設定的通訊埠。
*注意* 如果使用 RPM 方式安裝,啟動檔的參數請改成:
#>cd /usr/src #>wget http://www.osslab.org.tw/@api/deki/files/943/=n2nvpnd #>mv n2nvpnd /etc/init.d/ #>chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/n2nvpnd #>chkconfig --add n2nvpnd以上完成後,系統在開機時會自動啟動 n2n 連線。
#>service n2nvpnd start
#>service n2nvpnd stop
補充:設定 DHCP
如果要使 node 在建立 VPN 連線時完全不用作 IP 設定,可以在同一個 community name 的任一個 node 啟用 DHCP 服務,具體步驟如下:// 如果還沒安裝 DHCP 套件,請執行
#>yum install dhcp
// 設定 DHCP
#>vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
ddns-update-style interim; ignore client-updates; default-lease-time 604800; max-lease-time 1209600; subnet netmask { #option routers; option subnet-mask; #option domain-name "sqes.hcc.edu.tw"; #option domain-name-servers; range dynamic-bootp; }紅字部份請自行修改
#>vi /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
Windows 的軟體設定
n2n 軟體 Windows 版http://www.vpnhosting.cz/n2nguien.exe
IP Address/Port: 輸入 supernode IP 位址及通訊埠。
Assigned IP: 如果是浮動 IP,請輸入。
Group name: 請輸入n2n網路名稱,這與 Linux 連線的 community name 相同。
Password: 請輸入連線密碼
Advanced: 勾選 Enable packet forwarding through n2n community
參考 連結
延伸 閱讀
- hamachi - http://www.hamachi.cc/
- n2n - www.ntop.org/n2n/
- LANoi - http://www.lanoverinternet.com/
- Leaf - http://www.leafnetworks.net
- Wippien - http://www.wippien.com
- Garena - http://www.garena.com
- tinc - http://www.tinc-vpn.org/
- openvpn - http://www.openvpn.net/
- teamviewer - http://www.teamviewer.com/
- natnix - http://burton-krahn.com/
- kaboodle - http://www.kaboodle.org/
- TUNNGLE - https://www.tunngle.net/en
- Remobo - http://www.remobo.com/
- SocialVPN - http://socialvpn.wordpress.com/
- VNN - http://www.bizvnn.com/
- NioNet - http://www.maintech.de/products/nionet/
Link form http://www.osslab.org.tw
OpenVPN - BrazilFW
1.從brazilfw網站下載並安裝 libpthread.tgz (http://www.brazilfw.com.br/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=76)
2.下載與安裝 openvpn.tgz (http://www.cybernet25.com.ar/bfw/openvpn.tgz)
3.設定 OpenVPN
Public IP:
VPN IP: (we need an IP range for VPN)
Client (example for LAN to LAN)
VPN IP: (we need an IP range for VPN)
Client (example for RoadWarrior)
VPN IP: (we need an IP range for VPN)
在BFW1登入web管理並且選取OpenVPN接著 Add VPN
送出VPN 設定
現在在這個範例當中我們增加另一個 VPN server (for RoadWarrior) 像這樣
現在你必須打開 udp ports 1194 和 1195, 切換到進階防火牆設定增加下以二行如下
加入以下這行到 rc.local 讓 VPN 自動啟動,所以切換到設定檔案並選取第二項
BFW2 (client side LAN to LAN VPN)
增加一個VPN (you allready know how) 如下的設定
現在我們必須copy the key file 從server這邊 (/etc/openvpn/openvpn.1194.key)使用 WinSCP, 或其他軟體以BFW2的 /etc/openvpn 目錄下
增加 /etc/openvpn/openvpnstart就像您在 BFW1做的一樣
如果萬事皆ok,那你就可以 ping 從 BFW2 並薩 ping 從 BFW1.
route add -net netmask gw (on client side)
route add -net netmask gw (on server side)
WXP (Road Warrior client)
下載 OpenVPN windows端的軟體.─http://openvpn.se/files/install_packages/openvpn-2.0.9-gui- 1.0.3-install.exe (see http://openvpn.se)
安裝 for windows版的OpenVPN .
接著登入至第一台brazilfw( BFW1) , 選取OpenVPN 選單並且打入以下設定 [Client conf file] 在 VPN server 設定列
copy文字建立一個新的文件檔並貼上 (移除 /etc/openvpn/這一行從secret line ), 把檔名改成ranything.ovpn 並存到 C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config 目錄.
現在你必須 copy the key file 從 BFW1 (/etc/openvpn/openvpn.1195.key) 到 C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config 目錄. 你可使用 WinSCP 或其他你喜歡的工具.
現在選按OpenVPN 圖示並選取連接。
OpenVPN - BrazilFW - LAN to LAN:
OpenVPN - BrazilFW - Road Warrior How To:
Link from 澎湖人線上書籍系統
一勞永逸的翻牆方式的ssh -d
Dreamhost » Rackspace Cloud » BlockCN » SSH China »翻墙教程
Windows + Firefox » Windows + Chrome(BETA) » Windows + IE 8 »Mac + Firefox » Mac + Safari »
Linux + Firefox »
MyEnTunnel » iSSH » AutoProxy » PAC » ssh-D 宣传册[PDF]LINK from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/873345/index.html
2010年4月20日 星期二
HTC Tattoo 取得root權限方法 in Windows
1. 將 Tattoo 以 HTC Sync 連線類型連接電腦
2. 將 TattooRoot.zip 解壓在 C: 中
3. 開啟命令提示字元並執行
4. 執行
5. 執行
6. 此時執行 id 會顯示
8. 執行
1. 將 Tattoo 以 HTC Sync 連線類型連接電腦
2. 將 TattooRoot.zip 解壓在 C: 中
3. 開啟命令提示字元並執行
cd \ install-tattoo-root會顯示
C:\>install-tattoo-root -------------------------------------------------- Creating /data/local/bin (it's ok to get an error) adb server is out of date. killing... * daemon started successfully * 293 KB/s (4695 bytes in 0.015s) 164 KB/s (356916 bytes in 2.125s) --------------------------------------------------
4. 執行
adb shell會顯示
5. 執行
while 'true' ; do /data/local/bin/m7; done順利的話會顯示
usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand]這時候請耐心稍等一會直到顯示
Wrote shellcode e0400000 line 0 Wrote shellcode e3a07023 line 1 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 2 Wrote shellcode e0400000 line 3 Wrote shellcode e3a07017 line 4 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 5 Wrote shellcode e0433003 line 6 Wrote shellcode e28f0014 line 7 Wrote shellcode e50d0008 line 8 Wrote shellcode e50d3004 line 9 Wrote shellcode e24d1008 line 10 Wrote shellcode e24d2004 line 11 Wrote shellcode e3a0700b line 12 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 13 Wrote shellcode 7379732f line 14 Wrote shellcode 2f6d6574 line 15 Wrote shellcode 2f6e6962 line 16 Wrote shellcode 6873 line 17 Wrote shellcode 0 line 18 [ Overwritten 0xb0000100 # usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand]這時再按 Enter 就會顯示
6. 此時執行 id 會顯示
id: not found為正常現象請跟著繼續執行
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib export PATH=/system/bin然後執行 id 會顯示
uid=0(root) gid=2000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
這裡請注意紅字部份有看到 root 就表示成功了
7. 請接着執行chmod 755 /data/local/bin/su chown root.root /data/local/bin/su chmod 4755 /data/local/bin/su mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock5 /data mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system然後請按 ctrl + c 退回 dos
8. 執行
adb shell顯示
#就完成所有操作與設定 Tattoo
注意:上述步驟成功後重開機執行 /data/local/bin/su 會發生無法取得 root 的情況,需要重頭 run 一遍。
Link from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nidgetgod/7851229
2010年4月17日 星期六
PEUGEOT 307 HDI 2.0 純高速油耗測試
Wheel: 17" 215/45/17
Wheel: 17" 215/45/17
2010年4月16日 星期五
PPTP VPN server in Brazilfw
即將搬到新竹工作,為了方便連回嘉義家中抓一些資料跟SIP Phone使用,因此選擇在嘉義的Brzailfw Server架 PPTP VPN server.
1.先裝好 pptpd.tgz 模組 ( wget http://www.brazilfw.com.br/users/juanillo/poptop/pptpd.tgz )
2.編輯 /etc/coyote/coyote.conf 加入以下
3.編輯 /etc/coyote/firewall 加入以下
admin Y permit 47 any any all #GRE Protocol
admin Y permit tcp any any 1723 [tbl]CP Port 1723
admin Y permit tcp any any 1723 [tbl]CP Port 1723
4.從GUI中去creat account後執行backup,然後reboot即可.
方法參考 澎湖人
2010年4月14日 星期三
2010年4月13日 星期二
Paul van dyk VONYC session
One of my favorite DJs
Grammy nominated artist and globally acclaimed DJ and Producer Paul van Dyk continues to dominate the electronic music charts and appears at the pinnacle of every Top DJ list across the globe. PvD, as his fans have nicknamed him, is currently ranked the World’s No. 1 DJ by DJ Magazine’s “Top 100 DJs poll” for the second consecutive year. His new original album In Between will be in stores August 2007 and features collaborations with David Byrne and Jessica Sutta of the Pussycat Dolls.
PvD is renowned as one of the hardest working artists, with sold-out tours that cross each continent, headline spots at every major festival, and a hugely successful recording career. With over 3 million albums sold worldwide, van Dyk travels around the world over 16 times each year to sold out performances internationally. 2007 alone has brought us PvD remixes of Depeche Mode’s “Martyr” and Justin Timberlake’s “What Goes Around.”
Grammy nominated artist and globally acclaimed DJ and Producer Paul van Dyk continues to dominate the electronic music charts and appears at the pinnacle of every Top DJ list across the globe. PvD, as his fans have nicknamed him, is currently ranked the World’s No. 1 DJ by DJ Magazine’s “Top 100 DJs poll” for the second consecutive year. His new original album In Between will be in stores August 2007 and features collaborations with David Byrne and Jessica Sutta of the Pussycat Dolls.
PvD is renowned as one of the hardest working artists, with sold-out tours that cross each continent, headline spots at every major festival, and a hugely successful recording career. With over 3 million albums sold worldwide, van Dyk travels around the world over 16 times each year to sold out performances internationally. 2007 alone has brought us PvD remixes of Depeche Mode’s “Martyr” and Justin Timberlake’s “What Goes Around.”
How to auto mount other disk device in Ubuntu
- 為了方便起見,請先將你需要掛載的磁碟機都掛起來。
- 點選【系統】→【管理】→【系統監控】啟動系統監控這個工具,切換 到「檔案系統」分頁,你會看到目前掛載的裝置名稱 (例如:/dev/sda1) 以及掛在哪一個目錄下 (例如:/media/C)。很多人一開始會搞不清楚裝置名稱,透過這個方法可以輕易知道。
- 在 終端機底下輸入「sudo gedit /etc/fstab」開啟 fstab
- 在最後輸入以下文字即可。
/dev/sda1 /media/C ntfs-3g silent,umask=0,locale=zh_TW.utf8
- 我這是 NTFS 的設定,若你用的是 FAT32,就用底下這種設定。
/dev/sda1 /media/C vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0
- 一 行就是一筆設定,若你有多組磁碟槽,就依序寫進去吧。
- 存檔之後重新開機就會生效
reference from http://nelson.pixnet.net/blog/post/17511830
2010年4月11日 星期日
TARGUS CL86 Business Traveller
Product Details
The Targus Business Traveller combines function, style and affordability to create the ideal case for the corporate traveller. Its four-section, light-weight design allows easy access to your notebook, printer, PDA and accessories. The lined and padded luggage compartment is perfect for a change of clothes, and is certain to keep your personal items organized. Designed specifically to fit under an airline seat or in an overhead compartment, the Business Traveller houses everything needed for a short trip.
Technical Specs Features
Compatibility:15/15.4-17 inch notebooks
Exterior Dimensions:46 x 33 x 15 cm
Interior Dimensions
Notebook Compartment Dimensions43 x 31 x 4 cm
Maximum Notebook Compartment Dimensions43 x 31 x 4 cm
Material:Full grain leather
Printer Compatibility:Same compartment as computer
Weight:3.2 Kg
Luggage/accessories section (42.5 x 31 x 3.5 cm)
Mobile phone pocket
Organizer/PDA pocket
3 multimedia CD pockets
Two section expanding file
Zip-down workstation
Product Details
The Targus Business Traveller combines function, style and affordability to create the ideal case for the corporate traveller. Its four-section, light-weight design allows easy access to your notebook, printer, PDA and accessories. The lined and padded luggage compartment is perfect for a change of clothes, and is certain to keep your personal items organized. Designed specifically to fit under an airline seat or in an overhead compartment, the Business Traveller houses everything needed for a short trip.
Technical Specs Features
Compatibility:15/15.4-17 inch notebooks
Exterior Dimensions:46 x 33 x 15 cm
Interior Dimensions
Notebook Compartment Dimensions43 x 31 x 4 cm
Maximum Notebook Compartment Dimensions43 x 31 x 4 cm
Material:Full grain leather
Printer Compatibility:Same compartment as computer
Weight:3.2 Kg
Luggage/accessories section (42.5 x 31 x 3.5 cm)
Mobile phone pocket
Organizer/PDA pocket
3 multimedia CD pockets
Two section expanding file
Zip-down workstation
如何清除病毒 Conficker
今天幫人灌電腦時,發現windows update網站上不去,原本以為是DNS出問題,結果最後爬文才發現是病毒在作怪.
最強病毒 Conficker介紹說明 世界第一名的安全威脅 Conficker,尚在繼續肆虐,提醒您更改強度夠強的密碼、下載最新的安全性更新、下載最新的防毒軟體更新,目前Conficker 已有多個變種產生,並且影響相當數量的使用者。因為已被侵入的百萬台電腦仍舊存在網際網路上,建議如果電腦受到感染,請立即拔掉感染主機的網路線,不要再 連上網際網路。 Conficker 利用下述多種方式進行攻擊: ·攻擊未安裝 MS08-067 重大安全性更新的電腦 ·攻擊使用弱密碼的網路分享,然後將惡意程式 複製到網路分享資料夾再感染其他使用者 ·透過可攜式儲存設備(如USB)擴大感染範圍 當電腦一 旦感染 Conficker 後,會有下列行為進行自我保護: ·修補其利用的漏洞,阻擋其他惡意軟體進入 ·關閉 Windows 自動更新 ·關閉安全模式 ·禁止使用者連線至資訊安全相關的網站,導致 受感染的電腦無法下載或更新軟體 ·移除電腦中與防毒或安全分析工具相關字串的處理程序現在大多數防毒軟體都能檢測及阻擋此蠕蟲。如果有定時更新作業系統、防毒軟體及病毒碼,被感染的風險便會 減低 。 一、檢測 Conficker的威脅 首先,要確定你的電腦是否真的感染了Conficker,感染了並不會有很多警訊。一個最快的方法是連線到防毒軟體公司的網站。先清空瀏覽器的快取,IE 的 Temporary Internet Files,FireFox 的隱私資料。如果你可以連線到小紅傘Avira、Avast!、AVG、 或北京瑞星 Beijing Rising等防毒軟體公司的網站,表示您的電腦未被 Conficker 侵入,因為它會阻止到防毒公司的連線。 Conficker自我檢測統 另一個有效的測試是檢查 Windows 某些 services,如自動更新,及 Error Reporting Services 錯誤回報。如果這些服務不是經由你而被停止,或者account lockout policies 帳戶鎖定原則被暗中改變,電腦可能被感染。其它警訊如你的區域網路有不尋常的高傳輸量,網域控制器 Domain Controller 的要求回應太慢。 假使你的電腦安裝有隨時保持最新狀態的防毒軟體,就未必會感染,除非你將電腦設定成「不自動下載更新」。但是,我們不建議您去檢 查MS08-067 (KB 958644)的更新記錄, 因為這隻 Conficker 蠕蟲,會偽裝成已有這項更新。 二、移除 Conficker 假使您的電腦已經中毒了,那麼請立刻選擇下列之一的免費移 除工具使用。 Mcafee 的 Stinger 賽門鐵克 Symantec 的 W32.Downadup Removal Tool SOPHO 的 Conficker Cleanup Tool AVG也宣稱 AVG Free 可以抵抗這隻病毒。(但是沒說有沒有能力移除病毒 @@) 如果上述方法都沒效,Avira 也提供 手動移除方法,Conficker-specific instructions,如何使用他們的救援光碟修覆電腦。 最 好的防毒方法:下載最新 的安全性更新、下載最新的防毒軟體更新、更改強度夠強的密碼、不要亂上來歷不明的網站。 (本文圖片取自Wikipedia, 內容取自Rid Your Computer From Conficker Virus --Seth Rosenblatt) |
檢測出中了B型病毒,最後使用賽門鐵克 Symantec 的 W32.Downadup Removal Tool 成功清除掉
2010年4月9日 星期五
使用 ping 指令,出現錯誤訊息:bad option specified
今天在使用 PING 或 any IP address 都出現「bad option specified」的錯誤訊息
一般來說會出現這個問題是因為相關網路設備或軟體的 TTL 設定值錯誤所造成的,被設定成 > 255,此時是否針對 ping 的對象(目的地)進行檢查,以上面的例子來說,是 ping 本機,因此就從本機的 Windows 設定著手。
Windows 95/98/Me
資料型態:REG_SZ (字串)(1-255 十進位,預設值:64)
Windows 2000/XP/2003
資料型態:REG_DWORD (1-255 十進位,預設值:128)
一般來說會出現這個問題是因為相關網路設備或軟體的 TTL 設定值錯誤所造成的,被設定成 > 255,此時是否針對 ping 的對象(目的地)進行檢查,以上面的例子來說,是 ping 本機,因此就從本機的 Windows 設定著手。
Windows 95/98/Me
資料型態:REG_SZ (字串)(1-255 十進位,預設值:64)
Windows 2000/XP/2003
資料型態:REG_DWORD (1-255 十進位,預設值:128)
How to add your own splashimage to GRUB2 (4)
There's nothing much to it really, you can use just about any photo, drawing or digital artwork.
You can use a picture of your favorite girl / boy / dog / cat / horse / car / motorbike / truck / boat / airplane, the biggest fish you ever caught, your company's logo, almost anything you like.
1) First, right-click on the image file and click 'properties', or open the image with Image Viewer and find out how many pixels it has.
2) For best results you should try to choose an image file that will match the shape of your monitor.
For example, if your monitor is 1050x780 pixels, that's about 3/4 as high as it is wide.
If you want your image to fill the whole screen and you don't want part of it cut off, you need to use an image that's about 3/4 as high as it is wide, so it will fit your monitor properly.
3) Also see How To Change Boot Menu Resolution
TIP: If you really want to use an image that doesn't fit, first make a copy of it.
Never alter your original image because you won't be able to reverse the changes ones they've been saved.
Open the copy of your image with GIMP image editor in Ubuntu.
Crop and/or resize the copy of your image to make it fit your monitor if you need to.
4) Currently GRUB 2 supports three image formats, they are: .png, .tga and .jpg.
Everyone should be able to use the .png and .tge images without any problems. If you want to use a .jpg image you can, but you probably need to use the insmod command to insert the module for that first.
The module for that is called jpeg.mod, see the insmod command.
You'll need to add the insmod command to your grub.cfg by editing /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme.
While you have that file open you'll probably need to add '.jpg' as an image format in line 16 or 17 too.
If you don't want to do it that way, the alternative is to convert the image to .png or .tga. You can do that by opening your image in GIMP and clicking 'save as', and type a file name of your choice with a .png or .tga filename extension after it. That will make a copy of your image in the format you want.
5) Copy your image file to your /boot/grub/ directory,
Where: 'myimage' is replaced with the file name of your own image file.
6) To get your new splashimage to appear, you need to edit a file called /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
7) scroll down in the file until you find line 16 or 17
8) change the following code from:
to replace 'moreblue-orbit-grub' with the name of your own splashimage)
NOTE: Be careful to keep the dot in the filename! eg: 'myimage.'
Save and close the file.
9) Run grub-mkconfig (Karmic Koala), or update-grub (in earlier versions of Ubuntu), to write the changes to grub-conf,
10) That's it! All done! Now you can reboot and see how it looks!
You can use a picture of your favorite girl / boy / dog / cat / horse / car / motorbike / truck / boat / airplane, the biggest fish you ever caught, your company's logo, almost anything you like.
1) First, right-click on the image file and click 'properties', or open the image with Image Viewer and find out how many pixels it has.
2) For best results you should try to choose an image file that will match the shape of your monitor.
For example, if your monitor is 1050x780 pixels, that's about 3/4 as high as it is wide.
If you want your image to fill the whole screen and you don't want part of it cut off, you need to use an image that's about 3/4 as high as it is wide, so it will fit your monitor properly.
3) Also see How To Change Boot Menu Resolution
TIP: If you really want to use an image that doesn't fit, first make a copy of it.
Never alter your original image because you won't be able to reverse the changes ones they've been saved.
Open the copy of your image with GIMP image editor in Ubuntu.
Crop and/or resize the copy of your image to make it fit your monitor if you need to.
4) Currently GRUB 2 supports three image formats, they are: .png, .tga and .jpg.
Everyone should be able to use the .png and .tge images without any problems. If you want to use a .jpg image you can, but you probably need to use the insmod command to insert the module for that first.
The module for that is called jpeg.mod, see the insmod command.
You'll need to add the insmod command to your grub.cfg by editing /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme.
While you have that file open you'll probably need to add '.jpg' as an image format in line 16 or 17 too.
If you don't want to do it that way, the alternative is to convert the image to .png or .tga. You can do that by opening your image in GIMP and clicking 'save as', and type a file name of your choice with a .png or .tga filename extension after it. That will make a copy of your image in the format you want.
5) Copy your image file to your /boot/grub/ directory,
sudo cp myimage.png /boot/grub/ |
6) To get your new splashimage to appear, you need to edit a file called /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme |
7) scroll down in the file until you find line 16 or 17
8) change the following code from:
for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base}/moreblue-orbit-grub.{png,tga} ; do |
to replace 'moreblue-orbit-grub' with the name of your own splashimage)
for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base}/myimage.{png,tga} ; do |
Save and close the file.
9) Run grub-mkconfig (Karmic Koala), or update-grub (in earlier versions of Ubuntu), to write the changes to grub-conf,
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg |
10) That's it! All done! Now you can reboot and see how it looks!
How To Change Boot Menu Resolution in GRUB2 (3)
If you want to use a splashimage with more pixels than 640x480, you can set the display resolution higher in GRUB 2.
That will give you a better quality picture and your fonts will appear smaller so you'll be able to see a lot more of your boot entries on the screen without scrolling so much.
1. If you don't already know what resolutions your video hardware can support, you can boot GRUB2 and press 'C' fro your GRUB Menu to go into into CLI Mode GRUB . Then you can run the vbeinfo command for a list of resolutions your hardware can support. Press your pause key if you need more time to read the text.
2. Write the numbers down on a piece of scrap paper if you need to.
3. Open your /etc/default/grub file with a text editor and change your settings there
4. Alter the numbers after where it says"GRUB_GFXMODE=" with a suitable resolution for your hardware,
4. Save the file before closing it.
5. Run sudo grub-mkconfig to write the changes to your grub.cfg,
6. reboot and see if it worked.
That will give you a better quality picture and your fonts will appear smaller so you'll be able to see a lot more of your boot entries on the screen without scrolling so much.
1. If you don't already know what resolutions your video hardware can support, you can boot GRUB2 and press 'C' fro your GRUB Menu to go into into CLI Mode GRUB . Then you can run the vbeinfo command for a list of resolutions your hardware can support. Press your pause key if you need more time to read the text.
2. Write the numbers down on a piece of scrap paper if you need to.
3. Open your /etc/default/grub file with a text editor and change your settings there
gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub |
4. Alter the numbers after where it says"GRUB_GFXMODE=" with a suitable resolution for your hardware,
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update # /boot/grub/grub.cfg. GRUB_DEFAULT=0 #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true GRUB_TIMEOUT="10" GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian` GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) #GRUB_TERMINAL=console # The resolution used on graphical terminal # note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE # you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo' GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024 # Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to Linux #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true # Uncomment to disable generation of recovery mode menu entrys #GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY="true" |
4. Save the file before closing it.
5. Run sudo grub-mkconfig to write the changes to your grub.cfg,
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg |
6. reboot and see if it worked.
Changing your Splashimage Font Colors in GRUB2 (2)
When you have a beautiful splashimage, the next thing to do is choose a suitable font color to go with it. Changing the font color can make a big improvement to the appearance of your GRUB Menu and splashimage.
Changing the font color would be very important if you have chosen a splashimage which contains a lot of dark shades and you're still using a black font. You might have trouble reading the titles in your GRUB menu. Changing your font color to white or a light color would be a real necessity in that situation.
We can change the font colors by editing /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme and running 'sudo grub-mkconfig' (Karmic Koala), or 'sudo update-grub', (earlier versions of Ubuntu).
To alter the grub menu font colors, you need to edit the same file you edited to set your GRUB menu background, /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
Scroll down to about lines numbered around 33 to 43 and find this section of the file,
You may change the colors you see here highlighted in yellow.
NOTE: If you're displaying a splashimage (background), you will probably want to leave 'black' for your second normal color, that's why I didn't highlight it yellow. In GRUB2, 'black' really means transparent. If you try to set any color here, that color will hide most of your background, (splashimage).
Colors we can choose from include, black (or transparent), dark-gray, light-gray, white, brown, yellow, red, light-red, blue, light-blue, green, light-green, cyan, light-cyan, magenta, light-magenta.
For example, just for demonstration purposes, pretend I have a plain lemon colored background image without anything else on it,
Changes to 'set color_normal=foreground/background' color settings will affect most of the text in your GRUB menu, and your background color.
As you can see in the above example, using set color_normal=green/black gives me the green font on a 'black' (transparent) background. Because of the transparent background, my lemon colored background image shows through.
Changes to 'set color_highlight=foreground/background' color settings will only affect your highlight text, and the highlight selection bar.
Using set color_highlight=yellow/light-red gives me the yellow highlight text on the light-red highlight or selection bar.
When you're finished, remember to run update-grub or grub-mkconfig for the changes to take effect.
gfxterm - GRUB Wiki
Care to play with grub2-graphical? - Arch Linux Forums
GRUB 2 Graphical Menu Theme File Format - GRUB Wiki - Theme Format
Changing the font color would be very important if you have chosen a splashimage which contains a lot of dark shades and you're still using a black font. You might have trouble reading the titles in your GRUB menu. Changing your font color to white or a light color would be a real necessity in that situation.
We can change the font colors by editing /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme and running 'sudo grub-mkconfig' (Karmic Koala), or 'sudo update-grub', (earlier versions of Ubuntu).
To alter the grub menu font colors, you need to edit the same file you edited to set your GRUB menu background, /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme |
Scroll down to about lines numbered around 33 to 43 and find this section of the file,
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ### insmod tga if background_image (hd0,2)/usr/share/images/grub/Windbuchencom.tga ; then set color_normal=black/black set color_highlight=magenta/black else set menu_color_normal=cyan/blue set menu_color_highlight=white/blue fi ### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ### |
NOTE: If you're displaying a splashimage (background), you will probably want to leave 'black' for your second normal color, that's why I didn't highlight it yellow. In GRUB2, 'black' really means transparent. If you try to set any color here, that color will hide most of your background, (splashimage).
Colors we can choose from include, black (or transparent), dark-gray, light-gray, white, brown, yellow, red, light-red, blue, light-blue, green, light-green, cyan, light-cyan, magenta, light-magenta.
white | blue | magenta | cyan |
light-gray | yellow | red | light-magenta |
dark-gray | green | light-blue | light-red |
black | light-cyan | light-green | brown |
For example, just for demonstration purposes, pretend I have a plain lemon colored background image without anything else on it,
GNU GRUB version 1.96
Changes to 'set color_normal=foreground/background' color settings will affect most of the text in your GRUB menu, and your background color.
As you can see in the above example, using set color_normal=green/black gives me the green font on a 'black' (transparent) background. Because of the transparent background, my lemon colored background image shows through.
Changes to 'set color_highlight=foreground/background' color settings will only affect your highlight text, and the highlight selection bar.
Using set color_highlight=yellow/light-red gives me the yellow highlight text on the light-red highlight or selection bar.
When you're finished, remember to run update-grub or grub-mkconfig for the changes to take effect.
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg |
To save yourself a lot of time, you may want to experiment with the font colors and see how they look over your new GRUB Menu background (splashimage)'on the fly', without needing to reboot. Press your 'c' key from your GRUB Menu for GRUB2's Command Line Interface and use the set command to try out different color combinations, pressing your 'esc' key after each change to go back to your GRUB Menu to see how it looks. See GRUB2 CLI Mode Commands for more. |
gfxterm - GRUB Wiki
Care to play with grub2-graphical? - Arch Linux Forums
GRUB 2 Graphical Menu Theme File Format - GRUB Wiki - Theme Format
How to add a splashmage in GRUB2 (1)
1) Download the free, already-made splashimages from the Ubuntu repositories
2) You'll find your new splashimages in /usr/share/images/grub/
Copy the images to /boot/grub, that way if someone has an installation with a separate /boot with an encrypted file system for / , they can still use the images. (GRUB can't 'see' inside an encrypted file system).
3) Here are the thumbnails,
4) To get your new splashimage to appear, you need to edit a file called /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
5) scroll down in the file and find line 16 or 17
6) change the following code in line 16 or 17 from:
to replace 'moreblue-orbit-grub' with the name of the splashimage of your choice)
NOTE: Be careful to keep the dot in the filename! eg: 'Windbuchencom.'
Save and close the file.
7) Run grub-mkconfig (Karmic Koala), or update-grub (in earlier versions of Ubuntu),
The grub-mkconfig or update-grub command is to write the changes to your grub-conf file.
The expected feedback should look something like this,
8) That's it! All done! Now you can reboot and see how it looks!
sudo apt-get install grub2-splashimages |
2) You'll find your new splashimages in /usr/share/images/grub/
Copy the images to /boot/grub, that way if someone has an installation with a separate /boot with an encrypted file system for / , they can still use the images. (GRUB can't 'see' inside an encrypted file system).
sudo cp /usr/share/images/grub/*.tga /boot/grub/ |
3) Here are the thumbnails,
Aesculus_hippocastanum _fruit.tga | Moon_Shot_Edit1.tga | ||
_ocean.tga | |||
.tga | |||
_Greenwich.tga |
4) To get your new splashimage to appear, you need to edit a file called /etc/grub/ 05_debian_theme.
gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme |
5) scroll down in the file and find line 16 or 17
6) change the following code in line 16 or 17 from:
for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base}/moreblue-orbit-grub.{png,tga} ; do |
to replace 'moreblue-orbit-grub' with the name of the splashimage of your choice)
for i in {/boot/grub,/usr/share/images/desktop-base}/Windbuchencom.{png,tga} ; do |
Save and close the file.
7) Run grub-mkconfig (Karmic Koala), or update-grub (in earlier versions of Ubuntu),
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg |
The expected feedback should look something like this,
[sudo] password for username: Updating /boot/grub/grub.cfg … Found Debian background: Windbuchencom.tga Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin done |
8) That's it! All done! Now you can reboot and see how it looks!
復原 Windows MBR 的各種方式
玩 Linux 最常見的方式就是切 Partition 做多重開機, 讓 GRUB 寫入 MBR 做開機選單. 但是若不小心把 Linux Partition 刪掉了, 或是哪天不想玩 Linux 了, 想恢復為 Windows 單一作業環境的時候, 就得把 Windows Pre-Boot 程式寫回 MBR 的前 446 Bytes 喔!
方法一:使用 DOS / Win9x / ME 開機片開機
開機後在 MS-DOS 模式下執行 fdisk /mbr
方法二:使用 Windows 2000 / XP 光碟片開機 (過程中需要 Administrator 密碼)
在 Welcome to Setup (歡迎使用安裝程式) 畫面中按 R 或 F10 進入「Windows 修復主控台」
進入主控台後, 輸入 fixmbr
詳細操作過程請參考微軟官方網頁 - Windows XP 修復主控台的說明
方法三:使用 Linux 光碟片開機, 進入 Rescue 模式; 或用 KNOPPIX 之類的 Linux 作業系統開機 (過程中請啟用網路)
依序輸入以下指令恢復 Windows MBR
wget http://cha.homeip.net/downloads/ms.mbr -O /tmp/ms.mbr
dd if=/tmp/ms.mbr of=/dev/hda
exit (重開機時請移除光碟片)
- 以上操作結果同 fdisk /mbr
- 網路上流傳 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1 效果等同 fdisk /mbr 是錯誤的, 這樣只會清掉 MBR 的 Pre-Boot 內容而已.
- 警告: 請勿於頭腦混沌、神智不清時使用 dd 指令; 使用時請特別注意數字是否正確!
方法四:什麼開機片都沒有, 但開機後還有 GRUB> 提示符號
依序輸入以下指令啟動 Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
- (hd0,0) 其中 hd0 表示 Primary IDE Master HDD, 0 表示第一個分割區, 請依實際狀況套用.
- 注意: 這只是解決 Windows 的啟動問題而已, 仍要靠前三種方法的其中一種才能讓 MBR 恢復正常喔! 當然, Windows 開機後您也可以上網尋找其他的解決方案 :)
最後使用方法四,成功進入XP,之後利用 TestDisk 救回XP MBR.
2010年4月8日 星期四
重建 GRUB (linux boot loader)
GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader 縮寫) 是 linux 系統中常用的系統啟動軟體,另一個同功能的是 LILO (LInux LOader 縮寫),它的作用是接管 BIOS 交付控制權給作業系統時的第一個工作–把作業系統正確地從硬碟載入。通常一般使用者在用光碟裝完 linux 後,例如 ubuntu,系統就會自動裝好 GRUB,就像 Windows 系統一樣。然而如果有某種原因被毀損了,最常見的是在同個硬碟想有 dual system,先裝好 linux 再裝 Windows,Windows 會很不客氣毫不猶豫地直接蓋掉 GRUB,你的 linux 就此無法開機,這時就需要重建 GRUB 了…
如何重建 GRUB 的步驟如下:
- 使用原來的 linux 安裝光碟開機。現代的系統都是 live-cd,即開機光碟 boot 完就是可操作的系統。
- 開一個終端機程式,可以輸入命令。
- 執行
sudo grub
,回答密碼。 grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
,它會找原來裝 GRUB 的硬碟分區,例如 (hd1,0),即第二個硬碟的第一個分區。grub> root (hd1,0)
,告訴它 linux root 在哪裡。grub> setup (hd0)
,安裝 GRUB 在第一個硬碟的 MBR (Master Boot Record)。把 Windows 的 bootloader 蓋掉… 之後可以在 GRUB menu 中加入進 Windows 系統的選項,本文不討論這個。grub> quit
,結束,這樣就完成 GRUB rebuild,可以 reboot 了。
grub> setup (hd1,0)
,安裝 GRUB 在第二個硬碟的第一個分區,而不是 MBR。這種方法可以使用 Windows 的 boot loader 來作 dual system 啟動.Reference from http://ying.homedns.org/wp/2007/11/283/
用Ubuntu 9.10的Live CD試用Ubuntu啟動後,打開終端
sudo -i
sudo fdisk -l (查看你的分區信息)
# mount /dev/sdaX /mnt
(sdaX,此處填寫 / 的位置)
# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda
# update-grub2
使用 Windows bootloader 來 load Linux
用 Windows 本身的 bootloader 來建立多系統的電腦
使用 Windows NT/2000/2003/XP 本身的 bootloader 來 dual boot 需要一個叫 bootpart 的程式,在這裡下載。另外要注意安裝 linux 時要把 GRUB 裝在 linux 的分區,而不是裝在 MBR。
bootpart 執行後可以看到類似下面的資料,是所有硬碟的 partition 列表,
找到裝有 linux 的 partition,如上面的 3,執行下面的命令:
意思是建立一個叫 bootlnx.sec 檔名的檔案,用第三個 partition boot,並用 “ubuntu” 的名字加入 Windows bootloader 的選單。執行完了之後,產生一個 bootlnx.sec 檔案,並在 boot.ini 中加了最後一行:
這樣就 ok 了,重開機會看到上面的兩個選項 “Windows XP Media Center Edition” 及 “ubuntu”。
使用 Windows NT/2000/2003/XP 本身的 bootloader 來 dual boot 需要一個叫 bootpart 的程式,在這裡下載。另外要注意安裝 linux 時要把 GRUB 裝在 linux 的分區,而不是裝在 MBR。
bootpart 執行後可以看到類似下面的資料,是所有硬碟的 partition 列表,
Boot Partition 2.60 for WinNT/2K/XP (c)1995-2005 G. Vollant (info@winimage.com)
WEB : http://www.winimage.com and http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm
Add partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader
Run "bootpart /?" for more information
Physical number of disk 0 : 96e096d
0 : C:* type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size= 15358108 KB, Lba Pos=63
1 : C: type=5 (Extended), size= 145476607 KB, Lba Pos=30716280
2 : C: type=7 (HPFS/NTFS), size= 145476576 KB, Lba Pos=30716343
Physical number of disk 1 : f6568938
3 : D:* type=83 (Linux native), size= 19535008 KB, Lba Pos=63
4 : D: type=5 (Extended), size= 2000092 KB, Lba Pos=39070080
5 : D: type=82 (Linux swap), size= 2000061 KB, Lba Pos=39070143
C:\>bootpart 3 bootlnx.sec ubuntu
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Media Center Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
Reference from http://ying.homedns.org/wp/2007/12/286/
Ubuntu 9.10 右邊數字鍵區失效
只要按 "shift + alt + NumLock"
只要按 "shift + alt + NumLock"
UBUNTU 上安裝 SSH Server
Step 1: 安裝openssh-server
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Step 2: 設定ssh_config內容
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Step 3:重新啟動SSH Server
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Step 2: 設定ssh_config內容
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Step 3:重新啟動SSH Server
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
Step 1: 安裝 tftpd package
Step 2: 視需要修改 /etc/inetd.conf中與 tftpd 有關的預設值
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /srv/tftp
Step 3:建立 /srv/tftp
mkdir -p /srv/tftp
chmod 777 /srv/tftp
Step 4:重新啟動 inetd
/etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart
sudo apt-get install tftpd
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /srv/tftp
Step 3:建立 /srv/tftp
mkdir -p /srv/tftp
chmod 777 /srv/tftp
Step 4:重新啟動 inetd
/etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart
2010年4月7日 星期三
3D Studio MAX 2010 MentalRay渲染引擎測試
Cinema 4D R11(Cinebench)
WinRAR 3.9壓縮測試
Avidemux x264視頻編碼測試
MainConcept H.264/AVC Pro編碼測試
After Effects CS4 3D動畫特效測試
Nuendo 4.3混音測試
《GTA IV》版800x600解析度最高畫質
《大航海世紀ANNO 1404》800x600解析度最高畫質
平均測試成績,以Core 2 Quad Q6600每項測試成績為基準100分換算得來
reference form :http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=296&t=1498511
3D Studio MAX 2010 MentalRay渲染引擎測試
Cinema 4D R11(Cinebench)
WinRAR 3.9壓縮測試
Avidemux x264視頻編碼測試
MainConcept H.264/AVC Pro編碼測試
After Effects CS4 3D動畫特效測試
Nuendo 4.3混音測試
《GTA IV》版800x600解析度最高畫質
《大航海世紀ANNO 1404》800x600解析度最高畫質
平均測試成績,以Core 2 Quad Q6600每項測試成績為基準100分換算得來
reference form :http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=296&t=1498511
2010年4月6日 星期二
Linux 免費電子書
Linux Device Drivers
- Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition
- Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition
- The Linux 2.4 Kernel Module Programming Guide, ver 2.4.0
- The Linux 2.6 Kernel Module Programming Guide, ver 2.6.*
- Linux Loadable Kernel Module HOWTO, Revision 1.09
Linux Programming
- The Art of Unix Programming, Revision 1.0
- Advanced Linux Programming, 1st Edition
- The Linux Programmer's Guide, Version 0.4
- The Linux Development Platform
- GNU C Library: System & Network Applications
- GNU C Library: Application Fundamentals
- How To Write Shared Libraries, Version 4.0
- Program Library HOWTO
2010年4月5日 星期一
常用的ubuntu 熱鍵
Ctrl + N | New | 開新檔案 |
Ctrl + O | Open | 開啟舊檔 |
Ctrl + A | Select all | 全選 |
Ctrl + X | Cut | 剪下 |
Ctrl + C | Copy | 複製 |
Ctrl + V | Paste | 貼上 |
Ctrl + Z | Undo | 重來、上一步 |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | 復原(與上一 步相反功能) |
Ctrl + S | Save | 儲存 |
Ctrl + W | Close | 關閉檔案 |
Ctrl + Q | Quit | 離開程式 |
Alt + Tab | 切換視窗 | |
Alt + Shift+Tab | 反向切換視窗 | |
Alt + Space | 視窗控制選單 (與在視窗標題列案滑鼠右鍵同功能) | |
Alt + Print Screen | 擷取目前視窗畫面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + d | 全部視窗最小化 | |
alt + 滑鼠左鍵 | 可以移動視窗 | |
alt + 滑鼠中鍵 | 可以resize視窗 |
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + up arrow | 切換桌面 | |
Ctrl + Alt + down arrow | 切換桌面 |
Ctrl + Alt + F1 = 跳到文字模式1(virtual terminals)
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = 跳到文字模式2~6
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = 回到桌面
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = 跳到文字模式2~6
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = 回到桌面
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace 跳出桌面,進入登入畫面
How to Reset Ubuntu/Gnome Settings to Defaults without Re-installing
Keep in mind that this will only reset your Gnome-specific settings. If you are having problems with your video card, display, x-server, etc., this WILL NOT fix your problems.
If you don’t have access to your graphical (GUI) desktop to delete these folders in Nautilus or you’re stuck at the login screen, drop to a terminal by hitting CTRL + ALT + F1, login to your account, and run this command:
Get back to your GUI desktop by hitting CTRL + ALT + F7.
If you don’t have access to your graphical (GUI) desktop to delete these folders in Nautilus or you’re stuck at the login screen, drop to a terminal by hitting CTRL + ALT + F1, login to your account, and run this command:
rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity
Get back to your GUI desktop by hitting CTRL + ALT + F7.
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