1. 將 Tattoo 以 HTC Sync 連線類型連接電腦
2. 將 TattooRoot.zip 解壓在 C: 中
3. 開啟命令提示字元並執行
cd \ install-tattoo-root會顯示
C:\>install-tattoo-root -------------------------------------------------- Creating /data/local/bin (it's ok to get an error) adb server is out of date. killing... * daemon started successfully * 293 KB/s (4695 bytes in 0.015s) 164 KB/s (356916 bytes in 2.125s) --------------------------------------------------
4. 執行
adb shell會顯示
5. 執行
while 'true' ; do /data/local/bin/m7; done順利的話會顯示
usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand]這時候請耐心稍等一會直到顯示
Wrote shellcode e0400000 line 0 Wrote shellcode e3a07023 line 1 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 2 Wrote shellcode e0400000 line 3 Wrote shellcode e3a07017 line 4 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 5 Wrote shellcode e0433003 line 6 Wrote shellcode e28f0014 line 7 Wrote shellcode e50d0008 line 8 Wrote shellcode e50d3004 line 9 Wrote shellcode e24d1008 line 10 Wrote shellcode e24d2004 line 11 Wrote shellcode e3a0700b line 12 Wrote shellcode ef000000 line 13 Wrote shellcode 7379732f line 14 Wrote shellcode 2f6d6574 line 15 Wrote shellcode 2f6e6962 line 16 Wrote shellcode 6873 line 17 Wrote shellcode 0 line 18 [ Overwritten 0xb0000100 # usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand] usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand]這時再按 Enter 就會顯示
6. 此時執行 id 會顯示
id: not found為正常現象請跟著繼續執行
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib export PATH=/system/bin然後執行 id 會顯示
uid=0(root) gid=2000(shell) groups=1003(graphics),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet)
這裡請注意紅字部份有看到 root 就表示成功了
7. 請接着執行chmod 755 /data/local/bin/su chown root.root /data/local/bin/su chmod 4755 /data/local/bin/su mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock5 /data mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system然後請按 ctrl + c 退回 dos
8. 執行
adb shell顯示
#就完成所有操作與設定 Tattoo
注意:上述步驟成功後重開機執行 /data/local/bin/su 會發生無法取得 root 的情況,需要重頭 run 一遍。
Link from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/nidgetgod/7851229
可以請問一下為何執行第一不實sync會斷掉而無法順利執行 可以教我如何處理嗎 謝謝
回覆刪除1. 換USB port試試,直接接到電腦 不要透過USB HUB (USB電壓不足??)
刪除2. 檢查是否接觸不良 換條USB傳輸線
3. Reinstall driver